Thinking about Thinking about Thinking

Today we continued with the power point excellence and we learn what a few old timey words meant like Slipshod which means careless, slapdash, remiss. We also learned a new word which is Arete which means excellence of any kind. We also talked about how humans are the only beings that we know of that are self-aware. Aware that we can think that we think about thinking, that we think about thinking about thinking.  And that we know how we will die one day. But we differ from other animals like a dog when the dog knows that his human gives him food and water and pets every day, while we know that that we must get food or else we die. This topic is a bit depressing but is a philosophy. WOO HOO. We also talked about a quote from Elbert “what initiative? I'll tell you: It is doing the right thing without being told” 
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