Quiz n' Study n' Stuff

Hammurabi's Code - is a code of laws created by Hammurabi of Babylon, This code has 282 laws written on stone placards in city districts.
Fertile Cresent - an area of land that provided some of the best farming in Southeast Asia
Mesopotamia - The word translated from Greek means "Land between the rivers"
City-State - The city and the surrounding land
Dynasty - Series of rulers from a single family
Cultural diffusion - Spreading of ideas from one culture to another
Polytheism - the belief of two or more gods
Empire - A group of several people, nations or independent states
Hammurabi - He put together a code of laws together known as "Hammurabi's Code"
The Tigris and Euphrates surround the fertile crescent
People of the fertile crescent used irrigation to supply more water to their plants
Ziggurat - A temple built on top of a mountain by the civilizations of Mesopotamia


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