Demographic transition Part 2

We talked more about demographic transition today in class, we watched two videos about it after we talked about the packet we outlined for notes. The two videos were very informative that this was only a theory and not everyone agrees with it, The first video was more in-depth about the stages and why they happened talking about how women and kids were property, as well that there was a demographic trap and a society could be overwhelmed by population and could go back to stage one. In the second video, it went into depth about the population pyramids that coincided with the stages, it also talked about reasons population don't grow or are encouraged to grow, such as religion or governments like china or japan. In this video, it says that the first stage population stays about the same, the second stage the pop. rises a lot, the third stage the pop. keeps going up but slower, the fourth stage the pop. stays about the same, and if the fifth stage even exists the pop. will then go down.


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