Debate Prep

Before Clocks were made, we used a common practice to mark the time of day with apparent solar time. We used things like sundials which was different for each location. But with the popularization  of clocks in the 19th century, they switched over to mean solar time. Then in 1675 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was established, when the royal observatory was built, as an aid to mariners.
Soon Local Solar Time became inconvenient as rail transport and telecommunications improved.  So London Time(also known as railway time) was born, it was the brain child of Dr. William Hyde Wollaston. And The Great Western Railway was the first to adopt the idea, in 1840. Then other railways followed suit. But on September 22, 1847, the railway clearing house recommended that GMT should be adopted. By 1855 the vast majority of clocks and railways were using GMT.
Finally we get to World Wide Time Zones, in 1879 a Scottish-born Canadian Sir Sandford Fleming proposed a worldwide system of time zones. Afterwards we founded the 24 "wonderful" time zones we have now.
Image result for greenwich observatory


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