Future letter To myself N' Stuff

Whats good future self? Haha just kidding, I already know its good. But today I am writing you a letter on June 6th, 2020 to talk about the coronavirus. It has done terrible things to a lot of feelings, and I'm here to tell you what it did to me or us, I really don't know how to refer to myself in a future tense.

Well, at first it all seemed like a joke, and most people treated it as a joke. I knew multiple people who were also hoping to get off of school for a week because of it. But it soon made its way into the united states, luckily it wasn't anywhere near my state, but Covid-19 did make its way to my state. We got off of school for a little bit till school got closed for longer and longer. Then it became a national crisis. Sadly America quickly raised to the top amount of cases in the world. So school was closed for the rest of the year. Now I'm here second to last day of freshmen year.

With Covid-19 a lot of things were closed, which was fine. I never got out much and staying indoors or in my own neighbourhood sounded like a better idea than going out anyways. So it wasn't that hard of a change for me, and I quite enjoyed it. But now we had to go to school at home, which wasn't the best. It was distracting with no one watching you, so you could just put off doing things. Honestly, it hasn't been that bad of an experience, my family and I got lucky and we didn't have anyone related or close to us that had coronavirus. Plus I got to spend a whole bunch of extra time with my little sisters.

Hopefully this summer, I can still go out on a vacation, even if I have to social distance with people. Lastly, I can't wait for the sophomore year at John Carroll, I get to do so many cool classes, and hopefully, it'll help me later dow with my career.

Au revoi, future moi


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