Essays N' Stuff

My essay question would be about philosophers, who they were and how they shaped Greek society. (think Socrates, Plato and Aristotle)

The first paragraph would be an opener to the subject, mentioning all of the names above, then stating whether they shaped Greek society in a good or bad way. The second paragraph would talk about Socrates, who he was and what his views were, and how he changed Greece for the better/worse, then segway into Plato. The Third paragraph would do the same thing as paragraph two, but with Plato adding things about his book The Republic and then segway into Aristotle. The fourth paragraph would be about Aristotle, talking about what Aristotle did like teaching Alexander the Great, and founding the Lyceum. The fifth and final paragraph would bring them all together, talk about how they changed Greek society and end with a final summary something like "These philosophers changed Greece in a great/terrible way."


  1. What I really like about this approach is how you appear ready to interject your opinion into your analysis. Rather than three simple lists of who they were / what they did / what they wrote / etc., this has the potential to be much more interesting due to the Dan Factor. Can't wait!


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